GAFG is about finding (and sharing!) confidence, support, and self love.
It’s not about having the perfect life, or about convincing anyone that you have your shit together. It’s not about pretending that Instagram-worthy snapshot you just posted is the whole story, and that you don’t have moments in your day when you feel out of control. It’s about having reminders that you’ve got this. Things happen – we get hurt, we make mistakes, we have little moments in life that can make us feel less than perfect.
As friends, we’ve found comfort and perspective in hearing each others stories and sharing our lives. What might have been a HUGE - Stop everything right now, the world is ending - DEAL in one moment, changes after you take a few breaths, realize that it doesn’t last, and move forward. Sometimes it just takes a little reminder.
Em’s father always told her to “Get a Fucking Grip” in her over-dramatic states. After her father passed, the message remained as important as ever.
GAFG is a health-focused movement to empower a community of people with a common goal of supporting and inspiring others. We are spreading the GAFG message remind you that when you have “one of those days” to stop, breathe and get a fucking grip.